Charity fund raising


At Holly Park we raise funds for charity three times a year.

We support:

  • One local charity
  • One National Charity
  • One International Charity

In 2016/17 we are supporting:

  • National Charity – British Heart Foundation
  • International Charity – linked with Rights Respecting School
  • Local Charity – Help the Aged

In 2015/16 we supported:

Our charities for 2014/15 are:

  • National Charity – Children in Need
  • International Charity – Red Nose Day – Comic Relief
  • Local Charity – Barnet Hospital Children’s ward

In 2013/14 we supported:

Pull a Funny Face for the North London Hospice

This term we supported a local charity, The North London Hospice. Staff from the Hospice led an assembly for Y1 – Y6 and explained to them about the work they do. The School Council decided that it would be nice to “Pull a Funny Face for The North London Hospice”. Each class did this at random times throughout the day and we asked for donations at the school gate at the start of the day.​

Run a Mile for Sports Relief

On Tuesday every child in the school from Reception to Year 6 ran a mile around the school grounds as part of our Wellbeing Week and to raise money for Sports Relief 2016. Thank you for your donations at the gate, we raised £184.45. The children all enjoyed the run although some found it quite a challenge.

A Day for Change – Our International charity

Thank you for all of your donations of loose change. We collected a fantastic £600 in coins to donate to our International charity – UNICEF. It was very strange in assembly looking out at a sea of blue! The children came dressed in blue because blue is the colour for Unicef. We hope that our school donation will go a small  help towards helping to make change for the lives of children around the world. We chose Unicef as our International charity this year because we are a Rights Respecting School.

NSPCC – Our National Charity – November 2015

nspcc-swindonThe charity that we are supporting this term is the NSPCC. The children from Y1-6 learnt about the work they do, how they support children who may be victims of abuse and neglect and they found out about ChildLine. 

Home - Route 1, version 1The children took part in a sponsored event called “The Big Workout”. Music was played at random times during the day and the children got up and dance! It was a fun way to raise money for a worthwhile charity.

We all enjoyed the Big Workout, getting up and dancing at random moments of the day. We are collecting sponsorship to support the work of the NSPCC.

Boot collection – October 2015

Following an idea from a parent we collected boots and Wellingtons for refugees.

Our local charity 2014-15

The children and staff at Holly Park had a fundraising day to support Galaxy Children’s Ward at Barnet Hospital. With the money raised, some children from the School Council went to Smyths with Miss Michael and Mrs Chan (a parent) and bought some toys. The staff at Galaxy Ward were delighted with the toys the children delivered to them.

Barnet Hospital 002

In the summer term we raised money for the children’s ward of Barnet hospital – Galaxy ward. The fund raising was linked to our project Britain day. Children and staff came dressed in red, white and blue in exchange for donating £1 to the charity. 

The hospital were keen to have toys for the children’s ward. Miss Michael and some of the school council will go and buy toys. Miss Michael and some of the council will take the toys to the hospital ward. We raised £450. Thank you.

Our International Charity 2014/15

Thank you to everyone who supported our International charity – Red Nose Day in support of Comic Relief. Thank you for your donations at the gate and the efforts you went to with face painting and wigs etc.

We raised £517.38 for Comic Relief. Well Done! 

Children in Need – November 2014

As our National Charity for the year we supported BBC Children in Need. Children and adults came dressed in Super Hero costumes and paid £1 on the school gate.

Thank you to everyone supported this event despite the torrential rain.

We raised a total of £429.55 for Children in Need.