Concerts and Shows

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Instrumental concert – February 2017

The children served up a wonderful concert on Tuesday evening with musical items from the classical and modern repertoires and pieces from a range of cultures. Our visiting tutors commented that we have the largest Instrumental Tuition provision in Barnet’s primary schools.

The standards of some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils are truly outstanding. Parents that attended got fully behind our young musicians with generous applause and encouragement.  The evening was rounded off with Rock Band, String Ensemble, Wind Band, as well as many of our other young musicians, performing a modern pop song by Sia. There was a wonderful community spirit present from our parents and it undoubtedly inspired all the children to perform to their very best.

 You can see more pictures here.


Infant show – Snail on the Whale

Years 1 and 2 put on an amazing show with lots of singing and dancing in the Snail on the Whale. See more pictures here.

Holly Park Panto

The Holly Park staff put on their own version of Robin Hood in a super panto to finish off the Christmas celebrations.

Y3 Nativity

The Year 3 Nativity was absolutely wonderful. The children danced beautifully, sang sweetly and said their lines extremely clearly. Every child in Year 3 had a part to play.  Many thanks go to the Year 3 teachers – Mr Bourne and Mrs Mehtar for their hard work and commitment with the rehearsals. Many thanks also to Mrs Gillingwater for organising the costumes and to Mr Hogan for the singing. The children participated with energy and enthusiasm.

As Mr Turner who taught the children last year said – it was a slick operation and the show really flowed. Mr Carini, who has done the nativity for a few years in the past when he was a Y3 teacher explained that it was nice to sit back and enjoy the show from a different perspective. He commented that it was clear just how much hard work had gone in to the show from both the children and staff.​ You can see more pictures here.

Candlelight Concert 

Our traditional candlelight concert was a magical event. A beautiful evening of songs. There were traditional Christmas songs, modern songs, songs from around the world, songs in other languages and songs from other religions and festivals who also celebrate festivals of light. We had a song for Channukah and a song in Arabic. There was also a delightful winter song. Both the Infant and Chamber Choirs looked very smart and sang with energy.

Summer concert

Infant Choir

The infant choir concert was just lovely! The children clearly enjoyed their singing and had lots of fun. They sounded beautiful. They sang songs from across the curriculum – maths, history topics, in other languages and lots of well known traditional songs. Another great triumph for Mr Hogan and the children.

Instrumental Concert

Our annual instrumental tuition concert on Tuesday evening was a great success. The children performed songs from a range of genres, including many classical music favourites, some well known theme tunes and some modern pieces.  As well as small groups, solos and duets, Wind Band, String Ensemble and Rock Band also entertained us.

A big thank you goes out to all the children taking part and their parents for their continued encouragement and support. A big thank you also to all the tutors and to Mr Hogan for co-ordinating the whole event. There are more photos here.











 Y1&2 show – February

Years 1 and 2 performed The Jolly Postman with lovely singing, dancing and acting as well as brilliant costumes and set. You can see more pictures here.

Y3 Nativity – December

 The Year 3 Nativity was truly delightful. The children spoke very clearly, sang with enthusiasm and looked wonderful. Every child had a part either as a character, a narrator, a dancer or a musician.

The children practiced hard and really enjoyed performing for their parents and the rest of the school.

Well done to all the children and also the Y3 staff team who have worked so hard to produce a lovely show and beautiful costumes.

Candlelight Concert – December

Our traditional candlelight concert was a magical event. A beautiful evening of songs. There were traditional Christmas songs, modern songs, songs from around the world, songs in other languages, songs from other religions and festivals who also celebrate festivals of light.

We had a song for Diwali and a song for Channukah. Both the infant and the chamber choir looked very smart and sang with energy. The audience also joined in with enthusiasm.

Junior choir concert – July

We were treated to a lovely evening of singing from children in Barnabas choirs Y3-5. We had a wonderful variety of songs – slow lilting songs to jazzy songs and rap!

Songs in other languages and songs that linked with curriculum topics being covered. We had modern songs, traditional songs, our school song and songs with themes – Diversity was one such theme. We had solos, duets and songs sung in parts, in harmonies and in rounds. It was a magical evening.

Year 6 show – Aladdin

Year 6 presented their final show at Holly Park and this year it was Aladdin, written by Miss Mountford and performed by two different casts – A and B.

There were some beautiful costumes and brilliant sets created by Holly Park teaching assistants. You can see more pictures here.

Infant Choir Concert

We were treated to a fantastic concert of songs by our Year 1 and Y2 Infant Choir. They sang a whole selection of songs including some from other cultures.

They sang songs relating to their curriculum topics – Fire of London, nocturnal animals etc. They even sang us a whole selection of songs that told the story of George and the Dragon in celebration of St George’s Day. Some of the children took on the main roles. The concert was a delight.

You can see more pictures here.

Instrumental concert – February

Our annual instrumental tuition concert on Tuesday evening was a great success. The children performed songs from a range of genres, including many classical music favourites by Bizet, C. P. E. Bach, Paganini, Handel, Schubert, Schumann and Rossini.

Wind Band, String Ensemble and Rock Band entertained us with items from the world of pop, jazz and ‘Heavy Metal’. The concert culminated with everyone coming together as the Holly Park Orchestra and performing ‘Sing’ by Ed Sheeran. A big thank you goes out to all the children taking part and their parents for their continued encouragement and support.

See a full range of photos here.

Infant Show – Rapunzel

The infant show this week was a huge success. The children spoke, sang and danced beautifully and put their heart and souls in to it. The scenery was superb. We hope that all the infant parents enjoyed it.

Every child has a small part to play but together as a team they make up a lovely show. Thanks go to the KS1 staff  – teachers and teaching assistants for all of their hard work over the last few weeks. Thank you to Mr Hogan for the singing and a huge thank you and well done to Mrs Fitzpatrick for producing and directing her first infant show. We look forward to many more!

Here are some of the pictures – you can see more here.

Y3 Nativity – December 2014

The Year 3 Nativity was absolutely wonderful. The children danced wonderfully, sang clearly, played percussion loudly and said their lines with confidence.

These shows are about a team effort and every child in Year 3 had a small part to play to make a whole show.  Many thanks go to the Year 3 teachers –Mrs Tsenti and Mr Stewkesbury for their hard work and enthusiasm with the rehearsals. Many thanks also to Mrs Gillingwater for organising the costumes so that every child looked the part.

Candlelight Concert – December 2014

The candlelight concert was an absolute delight. The concert is a Holly Park tradition and was performed by the infant choir and the Barnabas choir.

The concert  launches our Christmas celebrations. There were some classic Christmas carols, modern Christmas songs, songs about festivals of light from other cultures and religions and songs sung in other languages. This year to mark 100 years since the beginning of WW1 we sang Silent Night in English and German to remember the Christmas truce. The concert was magical and we all enjoyed the audience participation!

The infants had a great time performing in the Barnet Infant Music Festival.

Year 6 did an amazing performance in Parkside Story for their end of term show. See more pictures here.

Oak class took part in a Music for Youth creative music project entitled ‘Infinity Begins With I’. See more pictures here. 

The Junior Choir gave a lovely performance for its concert.

Reception performed a brilliant Pirate Show with lots of singing and dancing.

The infant choir sang their hearts out at their annual Choir Concert.  See more pictures here.

Children from years 4 and 6 took part in the Barnet Dance Festival.

Children from across the school took part in the Instrumental Concert in March. See more pictures here.

The Infants performed a brilliant show. See some more pictures here.

Year 3 performed in an amazing Nativity. There are more pictures here.

The annual Candlelight Concert was held at the beginning of December.

The Two Choirs Concert – Barnabas and Chamber Choirs – was held at the end of term.

Two Choirs


Junior choir


The Junior choirs performed in a matinee on one of the hottest days of the year.



Here are the choirs at the Candlelight Concert.

Candlelight concert 2

And here is the Infant Choir.

Infant choirAt Holly Park we are very proud of our shows.

Here are some images of the 2013 Infant Show – Dragons and Dinosaurs.