Shows – picture gallery

Here is some guidance about taking photos and videos at Holly Park concerts and shows. For more information see our Child Protection policy

Instrumental concert – February 2017

Infant show – The Snail on the Whale

Y1 and Y2 produced a fantastic version of Julia Donaldson’s Snail on the Whale.

Here are some videos from  the performance, and more and more and more.


Y3 produced an excellent Nativity play this year.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

The last Y6 show is Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

Instrumental Concert

Years 1 and 2 – Infant show

Year 6 show: Aladdin – Cast A

Year 6 show: Aladdin – Cast B

Infant choir concert- May 2015

Instrumental concert – February 2015

Infant show – Rapunzel – February 2015

Year 6 end of term show – July 2014

Y6 performed a marvellous show  at the end of their time at Holly Park. The show was called Parkside Story and was the Friern Barnet equivalent to Westside Story.

The children acted, sang and danced with great enthusiasm. We saw talents that we didn’t know existed! Both casts of children did a splendid job. The scenery, costumes and props were fantastic and huge thanks go to Mr Baptiste and Miss Mountford for all their work and commitment to producing such a great end of year event. Miss Mountford’s script was a huge hit.

What talented people we have at Holly Park!

All the children took part in two shows and were split into Cast A and Cast B. Here are some pictures from Cast A.

And here are Cast B.

Music for Youth project – July 2014

Oak class took part in a Music for Youth creative music project entitled ‘Infinity Begins With I’. We were invited to perform our piece at the music for Youth National Festival 2014 which was held in Birmingham.

Schools from all over the country took part in the week-long festival. We performed on the stage in the Sir Adrian Boult Hall at the Birmingham Conservatoire.

Junior Choir concert July 2014

We had a matinee performance of our junior choir which numbers 270 children from Y3-Y6. The choir meets every week and is led by Mr Hogan. The choir sang enthusiastically a wide range of songs.

Here are some of their pictures.

Infant Choir concert May 2014

The infant choir sang their hearts out at their annual choir concert. They entertained us very well with their warm ups and delightful songs. It was very sweet. The standard of singing was excellent and all the children were enjoying themselves and having fun. They all looked very smart in their concert dress.

Instrumental Concert – March 2014

We had a wonderful instrumental concert, where many children who learn an instrument at school performed in small groups, duets and solos. There was a lovely range of instruments including guitars, tabla drums, saxophones, trumpets, clarinets, flutes, violins and cellos.

We heard delightful pieces from our String Ensemble and Wind Band We heard a couple of modern pieces from the Rock Band. Many thanks go to the peripatetic music tutors who work all year round with our pupils and to Mr Hogan for coordinating the event. Thanks also to Miss Flaherty who administrates all the paperwork involved in music tuition. Playing a musical instrument is such a wonderful skill.

The Infant Show is the first big production that most children have taken part in. Here are some of their pictures.

Here are some pictures of Year 3’s Nativity.

The big production this year for the juniors was The Olympian Charter featuring years 4, 5 and 6. Year 6 have the speaking parts and are split into Casts A and B.

Here are a selection of pictures from the Olympian Charter which were taken by Mr Herlihy. Here is cast A.

And here is Cast B.