Online safety

cropped-logo-Copy1.jpgAt Holly Park we take online safety very seriously. Computer rules are sent home and also displayed in every classroom and we also send home a Pupil acceptable use online health  agreement.

Please see our  online safety policy

Our school Online Safety Co-ordinator is Rob Stewkesbury  and our Online Safety Governor is Fiona Quinton.

Information for parents

We run regular workshops for parents about how to help children use the internet safely.

Here is an online healthy guidance sheet to support parents to make sure children are safe online: Online Healthy information

Here are some helpful links with guidance for parents

When you see this image you can report inappropriate information: ceop

There are more links at the bottom of this page for parents.

Parents and pupils learn together

Our online safety co-ordinator Mr Stewkesbury ran a session for parents and children in Y3 about online safety.

The Y3 parent workshop about online safety was very well attended. Children and parents had fun working on a variety of activities. The main theme was about keeping passwords safe, not sharing them and making strong passwords.

Internet Safety Day

Our whole Online safety day was a huge success. Children from Reception to Y6 had workshop sessions where we hope they learnt a lot about keeping themselves safe and thinking about what you can trust online (not believing everything you see or read).

The parent meeting was very useful and informative – thank you to everyone who came along we had very positive feedback. We have booked another session next year. If you didn’t come this time, do look out for it next year and I highly recommend it as one of the most useful meetings you could attend. Whatever age your child is, it is always best to keep one step ahead! Believe me we all learnt something from the session. The presentation used at the session is below.

A Y5 parent commented:

‘I just wanted to thank you for organising the talk this morning. It was incredibly useful to be reminded of the messages, helpful websites and informative content. The guys delivering this course are up-to-date with what’s going on online with young people and in my opinion offer excellent ‘don’t panic, educate’ advice to parents.’

Here is the presentation  that was given to parents.

9th February is Safer Internet Day

This week at Holly Park children will be thinking about their role in  creating a safe internet – being responsible, using it well and reporting anything they see that is inappropriate. This poster has safety suggestions for parents of young children.

Here are some of the posters we have made about cyber-bullying.




Online Safety  – Autumn 2015 

Behaving respectfully online and keeping passwords safe

Parents should  talk to their children about keeping online passwords safe. At school we say that ‘Your password is like a toothbrush – not for sharing’ It is also good to talk to your children about how to behave online.

In line with our value of ‘Respect’ for September, Mrs Pelham spoke to the children in assembly about ‘netiquette’ and respectful behaviour online. Look at the link – which includes guidance and advice for parents.

In the classrooms we have posters called ‘Surf Safe’ to help children think about using the Internet safely.

Safety (1)

A reminder that we also have a Pupil Acceptable Use form – also known as an Pupil Health Agreement  form that pupils sign.

E-safety day – June

In June we had an E-safety day for all children from Reception to Year 6. Special qualified trainers who work for CEOP and Childline came and delivered age appropriate sessions to the children throughout the day.

Anti Bullying Week – November

In November we participate in Anti – bullying Week each year and the older children look at cyber bullying. In February we participate in Safer Internet day.

computer-happycomputerIn June 2015 we will have a big E- safety day with an expert company coming in to run workshops and assemblies for the children all day, do staff training after school and to run a parent workshop in the evening.

As you know keeping children safe in the ever changing world of technology can be a challenge.

I would advise you all to have a look at this site . It contains valuable advice for parents and also has links to activities you can do with your children.

Top Tips are;

  • Talk to your child about what they’re up to online. Be a part of their online life
  • Watch Thinkuknow films and cartoons with your child ( see website above)
  • Set boundaries in the online world just as you would in the real world
  • Keep all equipment that connects to the internet in a family space.
  •  Use parental controls on devices that link to the internet, such as the TV, laptops, computers, games consoles and mobile phones

Our pupils often use the internet as part of their learning, and have regular lessons on e-safety to help them know how to keep safe online. Pupils in school are always supervised when using the internet.

Here are some good activities for children.

Here are some useful hints about keeping your child safe.

And here is some police information.

logo child net

Here’s another useful site to look at.


Here is the NSPCC’s advice on how to keep children safe.

This site has useful information for parents and a film to show younger children on keeping safe.

ThinkYouKnowBanner11-16The National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) has a campaign to protect children.

And here is more information about CEOP.

downloadThis document is a parents’ guide to keeping children safe online. And this is a guide to Snapchat