Health & Safety

Logo smallAt Holly Park we take Health & Safety very seriously. You can read some of our policies here.

Healthy snacks homework

Here are some great ideas for healthy snacks from our homework.

World Obesity Day

Tuesday 11th October was World Obesity Day. The teachers talked sensitively to the children about what this means and about the importance of exercise in our lives. On World Obesity Day at Holly Park, every child did 20 minutes of exercise.

Interestingly I can share with you that based on the National Child Measurement Programme 2016 summary (based on combined results for 2012/13, 2013,14 and 2014,15) that the proportion of obese children in Barnet Reception classes was 9.5% and at Holly Park it was 10.3%. The proportion of obese Y6 children in Barnet was 18.9% and at Holly Park was 21.1%. Part of our School Improvement Plan for this year is to encourage healthy eating and exercise.  We are aiming for the Silver Healthy School Award this year.

Healthy Schools

As one of our school improvement targets for 2016-17 we are working towards our Silver Healthy Schools Award. One of the targets in our  plan is to improve Healthy Lifestyles by promoting healthy eating. 

We have invited ‘Alive n Kicking’ in to our Y5 classes to do some work with them about healthy lifestyles. This includes healthy food choices and the importance of exercise.

Kitchen hygiene

Our kitchen had a 5 star rating from environmental health in 2016.


Health and Safety Training

Staff at Holly Park have regular health and safety training. In the last year they have had asthma training, epi-pen training, fire extinguisher training, ladder training and manual handling training. They have also learnt how to do positive handling of pupils.