
Logo smallAttendance at Holly Park

Attendance at school is crucial to a child’s academic performance. At Holly Park attendance has improved over the last 4 years.

  • Whole school attendance at the end of 2014 was 95.43%
  • Whole school attendance at the end of 2015 was 95.95%
  • Whole school attendance at the end of 2016 was 96.24%​

 Here are some of the ways we improve attendance:

  • Each week we award Attendance Alligator for the class with the best attendance
  • Punctuality Parrot for the class with the best punctuality
  • We have a half term trophy for the class with the best attendance for the half term
  • StickerWe award stickers to individuals each half term for 100% attendance
  • We send postcards home to parents  for 100% attendance at a half term
  • At the end of each full term we award certificates –

Bronze 96-97.9%

Silver 98-99.9%

Gold – 100%

BadgeAt the end of the year we award metal badges for 100% for the entire year.

Children should arrive in school at 8.55 am.  If they are late they should sign in the Late File kept in the Office area. Children arriving after the close of registration (after 9.30 am) without prior notification, will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.

Children who are persistently late may be referred to the Education Welfare Team.

The best way to avoid such action being taken is to get the children to school on time. Starting good habits from an early age is essential. If your child learns the importance of coming to school every day and being on time, then these good habits are likely to continue throughout their education and working life.

    If your child is not in school, then they cannot learn.

                          If they miss school, they miss out. 

Please help us to continue getting children here on time and  prepared for the school day.

Give your child a head start by ensuring that they are in School every day and arrive on time.

The chart below shows how we judge attendance

Excellent 100%
Very Good 97%
Good 96%
Satisfactory 95%
Unsatisfactory 90%
Cause for Concern Less than 90%

Parents should be aware now that unauthorised lateness can lead to a fixed penalty notice from Barnet. Six unauthorised lates in a four week period can trigger the issue of a fixed penalty notice.

Here is the form that you must fill in to Request leave of absence.

Please see here for the link to our Attendance policy