School self evaluation and improvement

cropped-logo-Copy.jpgEvery year in the Summer Term we evaluate ourselves as a school and look at what we have achieved during the last academic year. With this evaluation and with the data available, we then decide what our whole school priorities are for the next academic year.

We like to include all staff in considering the strengths and areas for development. Information from parents and pupils gathered through the annual questionnaires also feeds into our evaluation.

We then make a plan for improvement based on the key areas of Achievement, Teaching & Learning, Behaviour & Safety and Leadership and Management.

All staff at Holly Park undergo annual appraisal which is linked to the school improvement plan. You can read their targets here

Once we know our key objectives, we then decide what actions are needed, who will do them, when they will be done, how they will be monitored and evaluated and what the costs and resources will be. This information is shared with all staff and with governors.

cropped-logo-Copy.jpgWith the whole school priorities in mind, our key leaders and curriculum teams then make action plans for the year that feed in to this whole school plan and act as an appendices. These action plans focus their work for the next academic year.

Each half term our Senior Management Team and our School Improvement Team look at our whole school self evaluation and update this. They also monitor the School Improvement Plan and give reports about their own action plans. Governors monitor the plan at each termly meeting.

Mid way through the year (February) we monitor the school improvement plan and look at what we have achieved and what still needs to be done.

Towards the end of an academic year we evaluate the plan to see what the impact of the plan has been.

Here is our current Self Evaluation for 2015-2016

We also like to make sure that our children know what our school priorities are. We have posters about school improvement all around the school. School Improvement Poster 2016-17

The chart below is an overview of our current  School Improvement Plan.

Key priorities        

Our School Improvement Plan priorities for 2016-17 are:

Leadership & Management

To effectively monitor pitch and expectation of the curriculum with a focus on progress and attainment


  • To ensure effective coverage of the curriculum and appropriate pitch and expectation. There will be a particular emphasis on computing, spelling, maths, grammar and cross curricular learning.
  • To provide effective training opportunities for teaching assistants.

Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare

To support pupils to be reflective and take ownership of their own behaviour through restorative justice and circle time.


  • To improve progress and attainment in maths and spelling.
  • To ensure grammar & punctuation teaching is reflected in written work
  • To improve the impact of interventions .​

Early years

To provide effective adult led learning opportunities in the outdoor environment

Overall Effectiveness

To prepare pupils effectively for life in Modern Britain with particular regard to online safety, the global dimension, enterprise, Values and Rights.

Last year’s priorities were:

Leadership and Management
To embed new leadership roles to drive forward effective school improvement

To improve the accuracy of AFL to ensure that teachers plan specific targeted writing lessons with clear success criteria

Personal development, behaviour and welfare
To improve pupil engagement in class so that pupils take more responsibility for their learning and behaviours

To improve progress  and attainment of writing even further particularly for boys and Pupil Premium children

Early Years Foundation Stage
To improve adult child interactions even further in order to improve outcomes

Overall Effectiveness

To prepare pupils effectively for life in modern democratic Britain.