Healthy Living Council


Healthy Living Council 2016-17
Healthy Living Council 2016-17

Healthy snack homework

We got some great ideas about healthy snacks from our homework.

Design a Healthy Packed Lunch Competition

At Holly Park we are trying to be more healthy and have been teaching the children about the importance of exercise, drinking water and making the right food choices.  The Healthy Living council came up with the great idea to have a poster competition to ‘Design a healthy packed lunch’.  

Over half term and the week after the children can design their poster with their name and class written clearly on the back.  All entries must be in by the 4th November. The Healthy Living council and Mrs Pelham will choose the winners.  Stay healthy and good luck!

Walk to School Week 

Well done to everyone who walked to school this week or who made an effort to park and stride. Walking to school helps to relieve congestion in the streets close to the school and is also a healthier option. Keep up the good work!

Food Education

On Thursday 6th October, the Healthy Living and Learning Councils were invited to attend a Food Education Event, organised by the new school caterers.

With children from other schools, our children were split into groups and given the chance to explore seven stands learning more about a healthy diet. 

Learning about the importance of five (or more) portions of fruit and vegetables a day, each about the size of your cupped hand, the children cycled to mix smoothies, tasted unusual herbs, learnt how to make a quick stir fry, extended their knowledge of vegetables, tried quorn (a halal and vegetarian protein source) and saw how using honey rather than salt or sugar to flavour popcorn turned this whole grain into a healthy snack.

The key message of food to give energy was reinforced by the exercise stand where children learnt some quick exercises that were high intensity.

Armed with a goodie bag to make oat cookies at home, and full from all the samples on offer the children had a great trip.

Here is the Healthy Living Council for 2015-16.

Healthy Living Council 2015-16
Healthy Living Council 2015-16


The Healthy Living Council was created in 2014-15. 

News Blog (300x200px)We had a huge range of activities for Wellbeing week. You can read more about it here.

Here is a picture of the first council.

Healthy Living 3
Healthy Living Council 2014-15

And here are some of their ideas:

The Healthy Living Council visited the Olympic Park in Stratford. They were able to see some of the facilities that the athletes used during the 2012 Olympics and they explored some of the fantastic play areas too!