Junior Travel Ambassadors

x001-00131-schools-jta-logo-smallThe Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs) are two pupils from each Year 5 and 6 class who are responsible for promoting active travel such as walking, cycling, scootering and road safety. 

They also help prepare children for more independent travel in Year 6 and when they transfer to Secondary school.

The JTAs work with the school Travel Plan Champion – Mrs Thomas, to carry out assemblies, conduct surveys, give classroom talks, and help complete the school travel plan.  They plan and run competitions and special events each year.


JTAs term of office is for two years, so our Year 5 children can learn from Year 6 and take on more responsibility in their second year of office.

signThe JTAs meet regularly to share ideas and opinions, make plans and organise events.

The Junior Travel Ambassador scheme is run by TfL (Transport for London).

Our aims:

  • To encourage our fellow pupils to walk, cycle or scooter to school as often as possible
  • To make sure the children of Holly Park are safe on the roads of London
  • To raise awareness of road safety
  • To raise awareness of safe, active and independent travel in a fun way

To find out more about Junior Travel Ambassadors, please see the TfL website.

Here is this year’s Travel Plan 2016

The JTA team for 2016-17 are:

  • Year 5 Juniper Class – Hernani and Safa
  • Year 5 Maple Class – Dyllen and Krish
  • Year 6 Beech Class – Leona and Louie
  • Year 6 Cedar Class – Charlotte and James
  • Year 6 Lime Class – Alexandra and Eurico

JTAs 004 (1)

Here is our first team of JTA.

Travel  ambassadors

  • Year 5 Hawthorn Class – Charlotte and Yaa
  • Year 5 Juniper Class – Leona and Louie
  • Year 5 Maple Class – Alexandra and Eurico
  • Year 6 Beech Class – Najma and Kiara
  • Year 6 Cedar Class – Aayush and Sabreena

Anti Idling campaign

Mrs Pelham, Mrs Thomas and some Y6 children went out on the street outside the school between 8.30am to 9.10am with some people from Barnet council to look at the effect of cars and pollution. 

The team had an instrument to measure the air pollution and unsurprisingly the air pollution grew worse as the time went on. However the air pollution was made much worse by families sitting in their cars with the engines running – allowing pollution into the air.

Thankfully everyone who was spoken to was very polite and switched off their engines. Please can I ask you not to be selfish.

If you come to school early, please wrap up warm with a coat and a jumper and switch off your engine. Over a thousand people walk up the street close to the school and don’t want to have to walk through excess fumes. This is also very bad for children with chest conditions and asthma. So don’t be an engine idler!!!!!!!

For the health and well being of pupils, families and staff, please turn your engine off once you’ve parked safely, legally and with consideration, as pollution reduces air quality.

  • Unnecessary idling of a car engine is a traffic offence
  • Air pollution can cause serious health issues
  • If a car is left idling for more than 10 seconds it uses  more fuel  than the cost of restarting the engine
  • Excess idling can damage car engines, damage cylinders, spark plugs and exhaust systems.​

Be Bright be Seen Day at Holly Park –  January

The children came in to school wearing very bright clothes – everyone made a great effort.  We have done this day as part of our work on road safety and reminding children about the need to be seen when they are walking or riding bikes in the dark.


Here are the minutes of our first meeting: JTA minutes 11.12.15

You may be interested to read our latest 2015 Travel Plan