School Council

school council badgeThese pupils are elected by their peers. We aim to have one boy and one girl from each class.

Once a child has been on school council, they may not be on it again.

School Council 2015-16
School Council 2015-16

The aim of the school council is:

  • to provide a forum for the discussion of issues raised by students or by staff which affect the life of the school.
  • Support the school with fundraising activities both for school projects and also for local, national and international charities.
  • Support the head teacher with staff recruitment where appropriate.

​The School Council went to City Hall. They listened to a talk about the role of the Mayor of London and the London Assembly. They had a look around City Hall, went into the actual assembly room where the Mayor and the London Assembly meet and some people even got to sit in Boris Johnson’s chair!  They also managed to see the Mayor himself!

Here are the minutes from the School Council meetings:

Minutes 8.11.16

Minutes 5.2.16

Minutes 6.1.16

Minutes 4.12.15Safe at SHolly Park 011

Minutes 13.11.15


Here is last year’s School Council.

School Council 2014-15
School Council 2014-15

The School Council visited City Hall to understand how decisions are made by the Mayor of London and the London Assembly so that they could improve their role as a School Council. 

They had a fascinating talk with photographs and films all about London, how it is governed and how things have changed over the years. They saw a meeting in progress on one of the assembly rooms and were also  lucky enough to go to the top floor where they had great views of London landmarks, including The Shard and The Walkie Talkie.

They were lucky enough to come away with two batons that were used in the 2012 Olympics!  And just before lunch, they had a chat with Boris Johnson who insisted that they ate their lunch inside City Hall!! It was a brilliant day!

After visiting City Hall and bumping into the Mayor of London, the School Council decided to write to Boris Johnson. They sent him an email telling him all about Holly Park and their work as a School Council.

They also explained that as proud Londoners, they had suggestions about how they would like to see London improve.  They were delighted when they received a letter in the post from the Mayor himself replying to their email!

Here are the  minutes from recent School Council meetings:

Minutes 3.7.15

Minutes 24.4.15

Minutes 21.11.14

Minutes 24.10.14

 Minutes 10.10.14

Minutes 19.9.14

Archive – news from last year’s School Council

The School Council visited City Hall, the home of the Greater London Authority.  We had a talk in one of the committee rooms and learnt all about The Mayor of London, what the London Assembly does and also how the work it does compares to what we as a School Council do.

We were very lucky because we were allowed to visit the top floor of City Hall (not many schools have the opportunity to do this).  We went out onto the balcony, looked down at the River Thames and also at the wonderful buildings in London.  We learnt about two new buildings that are still being built which are nicknamed “The Cheese Grater” and “The Walkie Talkie”.

We were all overwhelmed by the height of the Shard!  Seeing London and hearing all about it made us all proud to be Londoners.  Before having our picnic on the grass overlooking the river, some of us saw Boris Johnson (wearing his green cycling helmet!) walk hurriedly into the café at City Hall!

Here are the minutes from last year’s School Council meetings:

School Council Minutes 6.6.14

School Council Minutes 24.4.14

School Council minutes 7.3.14

School Council minutes 17.1.14

School Council minutes 11.10.13 

Here are some of things the School Council think makes Holly Park special. 

And here are some tips for playtimes that the School Council came up with. Happy Playtimes

Here is last year’s School Council.

School Council 2013-14
School Council 2013-14


School Dinners News

In The Autumn Term, the school council looked at school lunches. They conducted a pupil survey across all years to see which food on the menu was popular and which was disliked.

With the changes to the school kitchen staff, this seemed like a good time for the school council to discuss the menu. Adam, the new cook, was very keen to be involved. The council met with Adam, Caroline Giles our senior mealtime supervisor and a lady from Barnet Catering Services to give their feedback.

The council also reported back about what children did not like so much. As a result of what the council reported, there were some significant changes to the school lunches that began in January 2013.

For example omelette and vegetable casserole were removed from the menu, new wraps including chicken were introduced, the sauce that goes on the noodles was changed, a new alternative relish to go with burgers was found and some jelly with fruit in will continue to be served but the majority of the jelly will just be plain.