A Day in the Life

Logo smallThere are lots of people working at Holly Park but do you really know what they do all day? Here we have asked some of the staff at school to tell us about their average day. But we found that no one has an average day because every one is different! Read here about what goes on.

Our first person is headteacher Mrs Pelham.

P2090003What time do you get up in the morning?  The alarm goes at 6.40am and I get out of bed at 7am. I shower, dress and eat my breakfast and am out the door for about 7.45am having encouraged my son to have his breakfast and get ready for school too.

What do you have for breakfast? Every other day I have an egg. On the other days I have Weetabix or toast or Bran Flakes. I always have a cup of tea. At the weekend I might have croissant, an egg or even pancakes if my husband wants to make them!!!

How do you get to school? I drive to school. It only takes me about 10 minutes.

Describe what you do in a normal day? Every day is very different – no day is the same. I do a variety of activities across a week– meet parents, speak to children, observe teaching, look in books, lead assembly, do parent tours, run parent coffee mornings, attend parent workshops, talk to governors, send e-mails, write letters, write and check school policies, visit the staffroom, show new and prospective parents around, send information for the website, make phone calls, attend meetings, go on courses, learning council, talk to children about the good work they have done, sort out problems, look at school data, put together files of information, talk to teachers, write the newsletter, visit other schools, talk to other Headteachers, lead meetings, make plans for the future, make decisions, walk around the school.

Where do you eat lunch? I generally eat lunch in my office although sometimes I eat it in the staff room and sometimes in the dining hall with the children – particularly when I have the Golden table once a week.

What time do you start work and when do you finish? I am always at work for 8am. On a normal day I will leave work at 6pm. On a Wednesday and Monday I often have governor meetings, PTA meetings or meetings for parents so may not get home until 8.30pm or even later.

Do you have to work in the evening or weekend? Oh yes. I am often working in the evenings, weekends and holidays. Staff and parents have known me to reply to or send e-mails up to midnight!

How long have you worked at Holly Park? I began work at Holly Park in Sept 1990 as a newly qualified teacher. I have been key leader for many subjects – particularly assessment. I was KS2 phase leader, Assistant Head, Deputy Head and now Headteacher. In my time at the school I have worked for 5 different Heads before becoming head myself.

What is the best thing about your job? Working with children and helping to make sure that their education is the best it can be. Always looking for new ideas to improve things.