

The staff in Palm Class are Mrs Moore (Miss Georgiou), Mrs Walton, Miss Klanga and Miss Rush

Here is a presentation  about the curriculum in Reception.

Here’s what we did for maths week in Reception:

  • Children using the tap tap area to explore shape
  • Investigating height with metre sticks
  • Playing ‘Race to Count’ (number recognition, addition skills, understanding of more and less)
  • Writing our own ‘The Shopping Basket’ stories, which has also helped develop our subtraction skills by using real fruit to act out animals stealing the fruit and finding ways of representing ( mark making/writing number sentences).

After reading the classic story `The Tiger Who Came To Tea` Palm Class got very interested in café role play, so we all decided to visit a real café! We had a great time at Boyden’s Café. We enjoyed our snacks and spent time finding out what different jobs people do in cafes.

We got so excited that we decided to create our very own Palm Class Café. We have called it the `Friends’ Café` and we all have jobs to do. Why not come and visit us for a nice healthy snack!

Our Y6 Digital Leaders have been going round the school to find out what the children are doing. Here are their reports:

  • Reception have been feeding the ‘phonics monster’ with their  phonics words. Also they have been making a cafe, they brought in ingredients from home and made a mini cafe. Some children had different jobs like waiters/waitresses,shopkeepers and visitors.


  • The children have enjoyed running around the playground while getting fit and healthy. They have enjoyed building tall towers made out of Lego. In maths they have been counting up to large numbers and recognising different shapes. The children liked writing letters to their families and imaginary characters they have made up. They have also been working very hard on their handwriting.

Our Cultural Day focused on the rights of freedom of expression, views and beliefs. During our Cultural Day we celebrated the wide variety of cultural backgrounds in Palm Class. We found out about the similarities and differences between ourselves. We dressed up in special clothes and got to try some tasty treats from different parts of the world. During the day we had lots of fun doing different  activities such as flag making, designing mehndi patterns and rolling chapati dough. 

Here’s what we have been doing this term.

PTA Reception Family Evening

The Reception Family Evening was a lovely event. Families got to meet each other. The children played together and the adults chatted. A lovely sociable event where everyone enjoyed tasty fish and chips and ended up playing in the infant playground. Thank you to the PTA for organising it.

ARCHIVE – here is what we got up to in Reception in 2015-16:

Each week our Y5 Digital Leaders will report on what the children in Reception have been doing. Here is their latest report:

Last week Reception visited the Countryside Centre and saw: mini beasts, dinosaur tooth and bone, a Chinese yellow slug, a caterpillar, a millipede and a centipede. 
This week they had sports day. Most people thought it was really fun and enjoyed most of the activities.  They also are drawing pictures and then writing stories about them. 

Last week reception were writing stories about whatever they want. Seth said “I wrote a story about a man and an alien who went to the moon!” 

After they wrote their stories they sat on the story chair and read it out to their class mates.
They have also been learning about dinosaurs.

Nursery, Reception and Year one learnt all about teeth brushing and got to show off their teeth brushing skills.

An incubator full of eggs arrived in the classroom. The children were very excited. Within 3 days the eggs had hatched and out came some lovely chicks. The children were fascinated. After another 24 hours the chicks were very fluffy and quite noisy.

The children have enjoyed watching the chicks, talking about them and drawing and writing about them. They have observed them, held them and made runs for them. A marvellous experience.

Here are some of our Spring wall displays.

We have had such a busy time this term! During Anti-Bullying Week, we spent time talking about our feelings and chatted about the skills we need to have to be a good friend and a helpful member of Palm Class. We read the story `This is Our House` and were very excited to find two lost puppies in our classroom. We now take it in turns to take the puppies home to look after and we love caring for them. 

We have also been talking about `Respecting our Rights` and we held a special Cultural Day to celebrate our diverse cultural heritage. During this special day we focused on The UN’s Rights of The Child and have created a class display about our rights and values for everyone to see! We are now getting reading for Christmas and have enjoyed taking part in activities based on the `Jack Frost` and `Snowman` stories.

Our new Reception children have settled really well and they have been very busy this half term!

We had a visit from some pirate dinosaurs who left some treasure for us to look after and we really enjoyed helping to count and share it all among or friends. We created our own pirate maps and costumes and enjoyed using our imaginations to make up our own stories.

We have decorated our Story Telling chair and have been very busy writing our own stories that we read to our class. We even get our friends to act out our stories as we read.

We love to read and we always have a focus book each week. `Mr Gumpy’s Outing` has been a real favourite and we have used lots of different resources to make our own boats both inside and outdoors. We shared our ideas and worked cooperatively to make our models.

During Black History Month we looked at some African stories and we really enjoyed reading `Handa’s Surprise`.

We wrote letters to Handa asking her to send us some fruit from her village. She sent us a large basket of fruit that we all helped to make into a fruit salad to share.

We have started our Phonics Sessions and we are now using our phonic skills to help us read and write. We also enjoy playing `Schools` and use Phonic Frog to help us.

What a busy half term! And what a lot of lovely pictures!

Reception Family Fun Night

A few weeks into the academic year, the PTA  held a family fun night so that all of our Reception families could get to know each other in a relaxed social atmosphere.

The evening was a huge success. The families played a human bingo game in order to meet new people, the children then played while the parents chatted.

The fish and chip suppers arrived and everyone agreed they were delicious. After eating and a bit more playing the families went outside to play in the infant playground which is where Reception play at lunchtime.