Year 1


The teachers in Year 1 are Sharon Casey (Pine) and Sidra Mir (Chestnut)

  • Here you will find what the children in Y1 will be learning this year: Year One 2016-17 
  • Here is what the children in Y1 will be learning in the Spring term
  • Here you will find out what children in Y1 will be learning in the Autumn term

You can see pictures from the infant show here.

Infant show (2)

Our Y6 Digital Leaders have been reporting on what the children are doing each week. Here is their report:

This week in ICT Y1 have been playing games on the interactive whiteboard. They are games that help them to understand more, like maths or English games. In maths, they have been learning how to add and take away. They have been practising for the infant show, ‘The Snail and the Whale’. In English, they have been writing their own version of ‘The Naughty Bus’and illustrated it.



Year One had a fantastic time dressed as pirates for their curriculum day. They enjoyed a range of activities linked to their pirate learning project. First they had a fashion show showing off their costumes and their pirate poses and phrases. Then they received a letter giving them the first clue of the treasure hunt. They followed a series of clues around the school that finally led them to Mrs Hassan’s office where they found a treasure chest full of chocolate gold coins! They spent the afternoon making treasure map pizzas and finished the day with tattoos. The children did some excellent writing about their pirate day in their English books.

We have been very busy this term. See what we have been up to.

This attachment will show you the Holly Park End of Year 1 Expectations.

Y1 Expectations

Mrs Fitzpatrick ran a meeting (which was very well attended) to explain to parents about the Y1 curriculum and what the children were expected to achieve in maths and English by the end of the year.

ARCHIVE – here is what we got up to in Year 1 in 2015-16:

Each week our Y5 Digital Leaders will report on what the children in Y1 have been doing. Here is their latest report:

This week year one had their sports day. Pine class have been practising for their assembly on Wednesday the 6th. Year 1 have been growing beans and it looks as if they are going to grow massive. They have also researched facts about the animals in the rainforest. Last but not least they have been looking about how water travels.

Last week Y1 were doing music. In maths they were doing time. In their topic, the Olympics, they made medals out of clay. They’ve made their own books called the animal Olympics. They’ve been going to Forest School and Chestnut class did an assembly about a book about crayons.

Nursery, Reception and Year one learnt all about teeth brushing and got to show off their teeth brushing skills.

Science Week

In Y1 during science week we were looking at the parts of a plant and a flower. We looked at how a stem carries water from the roots to the rest of the plant. To show this we used food dye.

Year One visited the Science Museum as part of our topic on space. The children went on a space hunt to look for space items. They also experienced what it was like to land on the moon in the The Legend of Apollo a 3D motion film.​  They also saw the transport gallery which linked with our previous topic.

Y1 visited Christchurch in Bellevue Road.  The children had a wonderful time. They learned all about Easter and went on a hunt around the church finding the different features. The highlight of the visit was the juice and biscuits and the chocolate Easter egg! 

Here are some of our Spring wall displays.

Here is a presentation which Mrs Fitzpatrick did for parents about the expectations of year 1 childrenParents Presentation for Year One

As part of the Enabling Enterprise Challenge, Year One delivered the Christmas post. They had lots of fun visiting different classrooms and children around the school.


















Year One’s learning project taught them all about transport. The children enjoyed learning about how different types of transport move and reading different stories about trains and buses. In particular, they loved reading ‘The Naughty Bus’ and even had a visit from the Naughty Bus himself! 

Here are some displays and artwork from the Autumn term.

And here are our some of our self portraits.

pirateShip Ahoy! Year 1 had a fantastic day dressed as pirates:

On Pirate day, Year One had lots of fun solving some tricky  riddles to find the box of treasure hiding in our school. After that,  we enjoyed some pirate dancing and games.  We ended the day by using some healthy ingredients to make some yummy pirate food.