Year 3

hazel and willowThe teachers in Year 3 are Neil Bourne (Hazel Class) and Eve Mehtar (Willow Class)

Willow Class did an excellent assembly about the Romans. Here are a couple of video clips (another one here) of their work. 

Year 3 had a D&T day. The children made moving models using pivots and levers. Here is some of their work.

Our Y6 Digital Leaders have been going round the school to find out what the children are doing. Here are their reports:

  • In year 3 they have been focusing on the Romans. The children have been writing letters to home as if they were Roman soldiers. In maths they have been learning about fractions and number lines, doubling large numbers. Willow class have been practising really hard on their Romans assembly. In Science they have been looking at the Human Body and naming different parts. They have been learning about Roman gods and using the computers to make Powerpoints about Roman Gods. Soon the year 3 children will begin to go swimming every Wednesday. They’re very excited to start.
  • In science, Year 3 have been learning about healthy food and how to keep fit. They have been practising for their class assembly which is about the Romans, because it is their topic.For their Roman topic, Year 3’s maths has been linked to it. They have been doing word problems all about the Romans. Also in maths they have been doing fractions. In RE, they were writing prayers. They have also been learning about different religions.

You can see lots of pictures from our nativity here.

Year 3’s major topic this term has been the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages . They have been learning about the Animals, Tools, Homes and Art. The topic was reinforced with a trip to the Museum of London where the children got to see and learn about various Artefacts from pre history, these included, weapons, jewellery and the first coins. The children and staff had a great time and learnt a lot. Recently the children have been rehearsing hard for the Nativity.

Here is some of the work we have been doing this term.

On Thursday 3rd November Year 3 visited the Museum of London as part of their topic on Prehistory. They visited the gallery called London before London to find out more about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. They also visited the Roman gallery in advance of their topic on the Romans later on in the year.


Hazel Class have been looking at the artist Andy Goldsworthy and attempting their own art work in his style. Here are their art works.

Willow Class have also been doing some Andy Goldsworthy art.

Y3 Online Safety

The Y3 parent workshop about online safety was very well attended. Children and parents had fun working on a variety of activities. The main theme was about keeping passwords safe, not sharing them and making strong passwords.

The children in Year 3 have been trying to make a difference to the world by participating in the ‘World’s Largest Lesson’.

They have been learning about gender equality around the world and discussed some important issues.  The children were amazed by the true story of Malala Yousafzai and the difference she has made in the world just by speaking up about what she believed in.

The children completed a survey of their local community and then made a poster highlighting the ratio of community influencers and decision makers who are male and female.  We discovered that gender equality affects us closer to home than we first predicted.​

ARCHIVE – here is what we got up to in Year 3 in 2015-16:

Each week our Y5 Digital Leaders will report on what the children in Y3 have been doing. Here is their latest report:

In year 3 they have been doing performance poetry, addition bus stop method maths tests, and they have been doing lots of Viking work because it’s their topic – Vikings and plants in science. They have been looking at Viking Long houses and drawing them – they look very lovely. Also measuring and time, cricket, making films on cameras and sports day is coming up so that’s what they’ve been doing so they’re very exciting to do be doing these things in class.

Last week they were predicting what an egg would do in Pepsi, water, milk and vinegar.
They have been doing fractions “it was really fun” they said. They went to Trent Park, it is a open space to have a lot of fun. They had their Viking day – they made clay pots, writing name in Viking alphabet with ink and so on…
They did a Spag test. In PE they did Cricket. They did measurement of water capacity. They also added sums with column addition and in PSHE they did religions. 

Activity Day at Trent Park

Year 3 had a wonderful team building day at Trent Park, where they did lots of games and activities. The children had to co-operate and work together to solve problems and complete tasks.

Science Week

Y3 made lava lamps using water, oil, food colouring and soluble aspirin. 

They spoke about the density of different liquids and chemical reactions that take place between different substances. ​

Here is one of our Spring wall displays.

Spruce Class have been having a marvellous time at Forest Schools.

Here are some displays and artwork from the Autumn term.

We have had a coach from Non Stop Action teaching Tag Rugby which has been great, particularly with the Rugby World Cup in full swing! 

Here are some lovely photos of Willow Class at Forest School. The children really enjoyed both wet days and dry days! They had fun bug hunting, climbing trees and working as part of a team with blindfolds on and the person at the back (no blindfold) tapping the shouder of the person infront to give directions to turn left or right!!

Spruce Class will be going after Half Term and Hazel after Christmas.

After studying rocks and fossils and also stone age Britain, Year 3 went for a visit to the Natural History Museum.

Holly Park children have been thinking about a class charter. You can find out more about Holly Park as a Rights Respecting School here.

Charters (1)