Year 6

beech cedar limeThe teachers in Year 6 are

  • Beech Class: Avalon Mountford 
  • Cedar Class: Rob Stewkesbury 
  • Lime Class: Andrew French 

Our Y6 Digital Leaders have been going round the school to find out what the children are doing. Here are their reports:

  • In English, Y6 they have been reading ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.’  They then wrote a letter to Karl from Bruno. They also have been drawing the view from Bruno’s window. In maths, some children have been doing ratio and proportion, and others are doing how to find the area of triangles and parallelograms. Most of y6 made an animal out of clay, there were loads of animals. We also wrote poems or short stories about our animals.
  • This week Y6 have been working on their viewer project. This is an example of the last page they have been working of ‘The Viewer.’ They have also been working on creating their objects that they used for homework, it is linked to the viewer project.

Year 6 had a fantastic time at their Ancient Maya curriculum day.  During the workshop they discovered more about various aspects of Mayan life including religious beliefs, basic diet, calendars, education and decorative arts.   They enjoyed dancing, singing and dressing up in traditional Mayan clothing and even got to have a go at the Mayan ballgame (unlike the Mayans, we decided not to sacrifice the loser after the game!)​

Here is some of the work we have been doing this term.

Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai

Year 6 have been learning about Gender Equality. Ethan told us that they were discussing in groups ideas for how to spread gender equality across the world. Katie told us that they watched a video showing the story of Malala and how she tried to do something about gender equality in her own country.

Year 6 also thought about famous people who had made a difference to gender equality – such as Rosa Parkes. They looked at famous female leaders in the world today. They decided that gender equality in our country has got much better over the last 100 years with more female doctors, headteachers, local MPs and even a female prime minister!

Mr Stewkesbury found that the proportion of women to men in top jobs in Barnet is 33:67

ARCHIVE – here is what Year 6 got up to last year.

See the pictures from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory here.

Each week our Y5 Digital Leaders will report on what the children in have been doing. Here is their latest report:

In Y6 they have been learning about WW2 and  their pretend penpal  in America during the phoney war. And they have been writing a crime report . In science they have been leaning about Light. In their free time they have been learning their show. Also they have been designing programmes for their show.

The last Y6 show was Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Science Week

During science week Y6 carried out some investigations. They did an experiment to see which materials sound would travel through. They also studied the sewer systems of Victorian times and did experiments to test the permeability of different rocks etc to see which would be best to make a sewer pipe out of!

Y6 had a fantastic trip to Devon for their last school journey.

This is what Y6 had to say about their School journey:

It was one of the best times of my life“, Abi G

It was an adventure, with lots of exciting activities. It was so much fun!”, Charlotte

The Ringo Ride was scary but at the same time amazing!“, Tom

The instructors were fantastic and helped us with the activities“, Wilbur

The children who stayed at school during the school journey had an activity week and one of the things they did was make these marvellous scarecrows for the allotment.

Here are some of our Spring wall displays.

Coding challenge

Some pupils from Cedar class took part in the Hour of Code at for Computer Science week.

Year 6 head for Tottenham

Some Year 6 children have been taking part in a writing project with Tottenham Hotspur. As part of this project the children were invited on a tour of White Hat Lane. They were given a tour of the changing rooms, pitch side, directors box and the behind the scenes offices. Mr Reid particularly enjoyed the tour and even claimed to have found his spiritual home!

The Ancient Mayans

At the end of the Autumn Term, Y6 have been learning about another culture and civilization. They had a very exciting curriculum day and workshop where they got to learn about counting, life styles, costumes, music and chanting.

Here are some displays and artwork from the Autumn term.

Enabling Enterprise

​Some of the children in Y6 went to the London Business School for the day. The day was organised and led by Enabling Enterprise. The children had to work in teams with other Holly Park children as well as children from another school. Following a tour of the school, the children had to design a gadget to solve a problem that those at LBS may face. 

You can see more pictures here

Young Shakespeare company

 The children had a workshop session for a whole afternoon. They loved taking part in the performance of Macbeth and getting to know the story through active participation. They particularly enjoyed getting involved in the action and providing sound effects.

What a fantastic way to get immersed in Shakespeare and to really know and understand what is happening in the story.

Skellig science

Year 6 have been enthusiastic scientists. Linked with their topics on living things in science, the book Skellig in English and Life and death in RE and PHSE they have been examining owl droppings.

The pellets came from the Owl society. The pellets contained all sorts of things including bones, fur and skulls. The children found examining them in detail absolutely fascinating.

Holly Park children have been thinking about a class charter. You can find out more about Holly Park as a Rights Respecting School here.

Charters (2)