News & Dates

School Travel Plan

You can read Holly Park’s School 2015 Travel Plan here.

Staff get stuck in

A group of staff got together after school to get the allotment into shape before winter. They dug the beds and cut back the weeds and now it looks lovely!

Allotment 4

Staff put their best feet forward

Clare Mornington, Louise Wood and Caroline Giles completed the Race for Life 5k muddy challenge on September 20 then the Shine Half Marathon night walk a week later and raised £160 for Cancer Research.

Have a look at their pictures:

Shining stars
Shining stars

Record set by local pupils – September 2014cropped-logo-Copy1.jpg

One of our nearby streets – Parkhurst Road – has a record number of children at Holly Park this year with 18 children from Reception to Year 6. 

Here is a picture of them all.

Parkhurst Road

School Travel Plan – July 2014

cropped-logo-Copy1.jpgThis term Mrs Thomas has been working on the school Travel Plan. We are working towards the Bronze Award.

We have been updating the school travel plan, which looks at how to promote safe and sustainable travel to and from school.  You will have seen the banner reminding parents not to park on the zig-zag lines outside the school gates and received a leaflet about this; you may have attended the parents coffee morning or taken part in the online parent survey.

In school, the children have been involved too.  Along with the staff and governors they completed a travel survey and some of the Navigator and Astronaut groups have taken a more in-depth look at local travel carrying out transport surveys, walking audits, road safety awareness and found out how to find routes on a London tube map.

Parents were invited to a coffee morning to discuss the travel plan and children did a travel survey.

We are the winners!

The Eco Council won a prize from Barnet Council with their snowman Jeff made from recycled materials.

Barnet First

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